Prawdziwie zrównoważona transformacja zależy od naszej zdolności do przetwarzania ogromnych ilości odpadów w niekończące się zasoby, wielokrotnego recyklingu, aby przyszłe pokolenia mogły odziedziczyć zielony, czysty świat.
W ciągu ostatnich czterech dekad opracowaliśmy ponad 500 znakomitych rozwiązań dotyczących przetwarzania odpadów dla międzynarodowych firm i organów publicznych. Nasze rozwiązania wyróżniają się tym, że są ściśle ukierunkowane i innowacyjne – każde z nich jest zaprojektowane, tak aby maksymalizować stopień odzysku i redukować ilości odpadów i emisję CO2.
Naszą pracą udowadniamy, że potencjał przetwarzania odpadów w zasoby jest nieograniczony. Dzięki naszemu uczciwemu i kreatywnemu podejściu do zrównoważonej gospodarki odpadami rzucamy wyzwania i ulepszamy istniejące technologie oraz opracowujemy nowe, alternatywne rozwiązania dla gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym.
Dołącz do ruchu gospodarki cyrkularnej i pozwól nam udowodnić, w jaki sposób Twoje odpady mogą stać się cennym zasobem dzięki dostosowanemu i w pełni zintegrowanemu rozwiązaniu w zakresie gospodarowania odpadami w obiegu zamkniętym.
W Combineering robimy wszystko, co w naszej mocy, aby minimalizować presję na surowce naturalne i ograniczać emisję CO2 poprzez recykling odpadów i przekształcanie ich w nowe zasoby. Wspieramy gospodarkę o obiegu zamkniętym, która jest jednym z najważniejszych założeń realizacji zielonej transformacji.
Od ponad czterech dekad nasi inżynierowie opracowują i udoskonalają metody i technologie, aby dać nowe życie odpadom na całym świecie – a ponad 500 przykładów wdrożonych rozwiązań dowiodło, że potencjał jest ogromny. Dlatego w ostatnich latach zintensyfikowaliśmy wysiłki, opracowując coraz bardziej kreatywne i innowacyjne metody utylizacji odpadów o obiegu zamkniętym
Pomagamy zarówno firmom prywatnym, jak i organom publicznym zarządzać odpadami i produktami ubocznymi w całej Europie, a także poza nią.
W Combineering działamy jako odpowiedzialni nabywcy, zapewniamy odpowiedzialną i zrównoważoną produkcję nowych zasobów i dostosowujemy produkty końcowe do firm, które ich potrzebują. Obliczamy oszczędności emisji CO2 całego procesu. Tym samym wszyscy nasi klienci i partnerzy mogą zobaczyć sposób, w jaki przyczyniamy się do zielonej transformacji, zapewniając przyszłym pokoleniom czystszy i bardziej zielony świat.
Advanced technical & biological Project Solutions & R&D lead
Executing and developing advanced technical solutions in pursuit of preserving resources and value for clients and the society we serve. Identifying and developing new resource preserving solutions in collaboration with clients, partners, and in-house specialists in biological, material or chemical solutions within the regulatory and administrative complexities.
Technical, financial, and environmental business case assessment. Regulatory compliance. Environmental Engineering. Technical, Environmental & Financial Due Diligence.
Passionate about avoiding and delaying the generation of waste and securing maximum circulation of material, biological and nutrient resources and creating win-win value for clients and preserving more resources for future generations.
Previous experience
Country Market Director for Environment & Health, Rambøll Denmark A/S, 2020-2023
Vice President Contaminated Sites & Resource Management, COWI A/S, 2008-2020
Senior Managing Consultant, Consultant, Environmental Specialist, Rambøll Danmark A/S 1991-2008
M.Sc. Civ. Engineering. Technical University of Denmark/TU Delft (Netherlands) 1985-1991
Chairman for the Council for Circular Economy, DAKOFA, 2021-
Chairman of the Board, / Board member: DAKOFA, 2009-2019
Member of the Political Committee for Environmental Policy, Confederation of Danish Industries, 2023-
Member of the Waste & Resource Advisory Panel. Confederation of Danish Industries, 2009-
Member of the Industrial Research Committee of the Innovation Fund Denmark, 2019-
Value-based development of people and business, leadership, strategy development, innovation, analytics, proactive B-t-B sales & purchase, operational process optimization and supply chain management strategies, board and advisory board.
Passionate about shipping and IT. Open-minded, always in good mood, structured and result-oriented with a practical hands-on approach and strong focus on delivering high quality whilst at the same time ensuring a highly motivating work environment.
Previous experience
Founder & Chairman, Buoyant (2015-)
CEO, Shipcraft (2008-14)
Vice President, Nordana/Dannebrog (1997-08)
Division Manager, Hillebrand (1994-97)
Owners rep. Nigeria & New York, Torm (1986-94)
Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) (2013-15)
Analytic, Innovative, strategy oriented with a long and strong track record in International sales and business development
Extensive experience in developing and maintaining business networks
Board and Advisory Board experience from DK and abroad.
I am positive and open-minded and always striving to motivate, coach & develop all members of the sales team.
Previous experience
Director, Northsea Offshore ServiceGroup (2013-17)
Sales Director, GASA (2010-12)
Director, US Logistics Inc. (1998-02)
Director, Sales and Business Development, Wilson USA Inc. (1996-98)
Merkonom, Tietgen Business (1985-87)
C-suite background with almost 20 years of experience from executive leadership teams, mostly from international and listed companies like RSA Insurance (FTSE100) and Danske Bank Group (OMX25). Awarded Danish Chief Marketing Officer of the Year in 2017.
Core competencies include international general management, corporate communications/investor relations, sustainability & ESG, digitalization & customer experience, marketing & branding, corporate culture & diversity.
Solid board experience including highly regulated industries with focus on governance, audit, risk, compliance, and controls.
Executive experience
CEO, Executive Advisor and Investor, Expon Aps (2021-)
Senior Executive Vice President, head of group of societal impact and sustainability, Danske Bank (2018-20)
Senior Executive Vice President, head of Group Marketing, Communications & CSR, Danske Bank (2014-18)
Nordic Director Corporate Communications, Brand, CSR & Customer, Codan/Trygg-Hansa Group (2006-14)
International Director Communication & CSR, RSA International (2006-10)
Director Group Communications, brand & marketing, Carl Bro Group (2001-06)
Board experience
SEAS NVE Strømmen A/S, Board member (2021 -)
JP Politiken Media Group A/S, Board member (2009 -)
Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Board member (2020 -)
Danica Pension Group, Board member (2016-19)
Mobile pay A/S, Board member (2014-18)
Danske Bank Plc, Finland, Board member and Chairman of the Nomination Committee (2014-18)
Keylane, previously Schantz Data A/S, Board member (2012-17)
The Childrens Accidents Foundation, Chairman of the Board (2009-14)
Business & Sustainability Programme, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (2019)
Board Leadership Masterclass, CBS Executive Board Education (2016)
Various executive training programmes from Harvard Business School, Insead, Wharton and others (1999-13)
MSc in Marketing and Strategy, Copenhagen Business School (1986-91)
BSc in Economics and business Administration, Aarhus School of Business (1986-89)
Visionary and result-oriented executive with 13 years international experience in Logistics and Shipping, which included active involvement in 4 acquisitions, 2 large business turnarounds, 3 major global client turnarounds and several important change processes.
Returned to Denmark in 2005 to pursue a career in consulting and headhunting with success for the past 16 years.
Moreover, extensive experience as Angel investor and Board member in privately owned companies in different industries for the past 10 years.
Core competencies include international general management, supply chain management and international logistics, business strategy, operational excellence, recruitment, management consulting, corporate culture development and accelerated growth.
Executive experience
Managing Partner, Surge ApS (2017-)
Chief Operational Officer, Prodata Consult (2016-17)
Managing Director and shareholder, Raft Consulting (2007-15)
Partner and shareholder, Flensby & Partners (2005-06)
Senior VP and Managing Director, Maersk Logistics’ FTA AreaManaging Director, Maersk Logistics France (2002-05)
Various positions within Maersk Logistics Benelux B.V. including Member of the “Global Logistics Council” General Manager, Mercantile Italia S.r.l (1999-01)
Board Experience
Conecto A/S, Board member (2012-15, 2020-)
Copenhagen Airtaxi A/S, Chairman of the board (2019-)
Frida Forsikring Agentur A/S, Board member (2012-18)
ShopUSA Denmark & Sweden, Board member (2013-20)
Momio APS, Chairman of the board (2017-20)
QAtor A/S, Chairman of the board (2013-20)
VNL A/S, Board member (2013-14)
Maersk Tunisia, Maersk Algeria, LTI S.A. and Maersk France Group, Board member (2003-05)
Maersk Logistics Switzerland and Maersk France Group, Board member (2002-03)
Executive MBA from AVT Institute of Executive Education (2006)
Various A.P. Møller Mærsk Management courses and seminars (1993-03)
Competent insight in many different sectors like: All kind of recycling facilities, biogas plants, sewage treatment plants, composting plants, plastic recycling plants, incineration plants, plants for recovery of metals from slag, steel industries, aluminium industries, oleochemicals industries, mineral wool plants, tile plants, etc.
Board experience
Combineering Holding A/S – Chairman (2021 – present)
Combineering A/S – Chairman (2020 – present)
Combineering A/S – Board member (2006 – 2020)
Combineering Materials ApS – Board member (2016 – 2019)
Previous experience
Tech. Manager/Chief Engineer, Krüger Waste (1991-96)
Tech. Manager/Chief Engineer, Viak Danmark (1986-91)
Development engineer, Wolff & Kaaber (1981-86)
Master of Science, Chemistry, DTU, Denmark (1973-78)